Published onDecember 31, 2019Docker Startup Script - Stay InteractiveDockerDevOpsYou've got options when you want to run something inside Dockerfile, but what if you want to run something when the container is started?
Published onDecember 1, 2018New BlogGastbyBlogGhostNetlifySo this is my new blog, it is a bit different from the previous one. Well technically this is a lot different from the previous one
Published onJuly 24, 2018Android Arch's Room - TransactionAndroidRoomSometimes, we need more than one query to execute in one operation. Let's say you have to replace an item.
Published onJuly 15, 2018Android Arch's Room - RelationAndroidRoomOn the previous post, we already discussed the basic Room from AAC (Android Architecture Component). In this post, we're gonna explore the how to create a relationship between tables
Published onJanuary 7, 2018Android Arch's Room - Getting StartedAndroidRoomSo, on the first post we already have an introduction or more like a sneak peek to Room data access object code. Let's get our hands dirty now!