Published onMarch 1, 2024Deploying Compose Multiplatform Project in NetlifyGithubCI/CDCompose-MPPA brief note on how to deploy Compose Multiplatform project in Netlify
Published onSeptember 10, 2023Things I Keep Forgetting - Debugging Annotation Processor in Android BuildIntelliJJVMGradleAPTThere's an error in your Android build and it points to your annotation processing code. But, you can't debug it. Here's how to do it.
Published onSeptember 3, 2023Things I Keep Forgetting - Behavior in PR from Forked Repository in GithubGithubOSSGitGetting a Pull Request (PR) from a Forked Repository in Github can be quite confusing. Here I put a note to self about the behavior that apparantly I keep forgetting.
Published onFebruary 26, 2023Things I Keep Forgetting - ABI Jar is Classpath Snapshot in KotlinKotlinToolingCompileI repeteadly googling about the ABI Jar implementation in Gradle when in fact, Kotlin has the feature built-in with different name
Published onFebruary 25, 2023Things I Keep Forgetting - Assemble vs Bundle and bundletoolsGradleToolingPart 1 of thing that I keep forgetting about in tooling and software development in general.