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Simple State Machine


After reading a bunch of unidirectional data flow, Cycle.js's MVI and this article about implementing MVI in Android by Hannes, I'm convinced that this is how I should write my code from now on.

But even when we have this rather simple data flow, we still have this problem called asynchronicity. Like when we must do some optimistic change to a like button. Have you ever do that?

Redux motivation page said, that mixing mutation and asynchronicity are like have a Mentos with a Coke.

Both can be great in separation, but together they can create a mess.

This is where Redux enters. It attempts to make state mutations predictable. The core concept of Redux is very simple. Basically, it forces you to have an immutable model and one thing that can change it is a state mutator (read: reducer) triggered by an action

To make it more clear, let's take a look at a simple sample in Kotlin. Supposed that we have this state and action.

// State
data class LoginState(val isLoading: Boolean = false, val isLoginSuccess: Boolean = false)

// Actions, you can also use an Enum or maybe an Int if the action has no properties
object ShowLoading
object ShowLoginSuccess

And we have this state mutator function called reduce

fun reduce(oldState: LoginState, action: LoginAction): LoginState =
       ShowLoadingAction -> LoginState(isLoading = true)
       ShowLoginSuccess -> LoginState(isLoginSuccess = true)

Then only thing that can changes LoginState is calling reduce with the previous or initial state and our action as the parameter

var state: LoginState = LoginState()
fun onLoginButtonClick() {
    state = reduce(state, ShowLoadingAction())
    // ... render state to view, request to API
    state = reduce(state, ShowLoginSuccess())
    // ... render success state

And that's it, we already have our simple redux-ish state machine.

The model can be anything! It can be your data layer or a view state. You can read more about core concept of redux in here

A more complex redux diagram.

Next, we will try to implement a redux-like state management again in Kotlin using sealed class. It's clear that we still not touch asynchronicity here so stay tuned!

This article is part of the state management series. Check it out! \ud83d\udc40